Winery with typical wines on Elba Island: Aleatico, Passito, Vermentino and Rosato

The viticulture project led to the planting of a 16.5 hectares vineyard. Most of the land is dedicated to the cultivation of the typical vine of Elba Island: Aleatico; these grapes are used for the production of Aleatico Passito dell'Elba (5000 half bottles) and Rosato di Aleatico (about 18,000 bottles) and Brut Spumante Rosato (10,000 bottles).
From the pomace of the same grapes a very small production of Grappa (about 300 bottles) is also distilled, a skilful workmanship of Vittorio Capovilla and his prestigious Distillery.

In the "Gorgaccio" vineyards, with eastern exposure, as well as in those of the "Pascoli Alti" at 350 meters, where the climate is cooler, the "Bianco delle Ripalte" Vermentino (about 25,000 bottles) is produced. A fragrant wine with a strong flavour and excellent sapidity.
The "Rosso delle Ripalte" is produced from Alicante (Grenache) and Carignano grapes, which are common to the entire Mediterranean basin and well suited to the arid and hot climate of Elba Island. The result is truly extraordinary: a "different" red wine, with great character, harmonious and surprisingly elegant, that suits very well the typical seafood cuisine of this coastline. 4 hectares of vineyards with a production of around 15,000 bottles per year.
During the most favourable vintages with the best grapes, a few thousand bottles of Bianco Mediterraneo (Vermentino with added Fiano) and Rosso Mediterraneo (pure Alicante from the oldest vineyard) are produced.


After joining the Company at the beginning of the viticulture project, he is the person in charge and the director.
His involvement derived from his passion for raisin wines and was reinforced by the uniqueness and potential of the Ripalte area.
A new adventure, after his initial managerial career in Milan, a pioneering wine bar in Bergamo Alta and thirty years of experience as a winemaker in Bolgheri with the creation and development of Grattamacco. On this estate, which had always featured the "classic" D.O.C. Bolgheri wines, he already planted a row of Aleatico with which he would make some wine for friends.
His passion for viticulture led him to develop a forgotten vineyard on this island: Alicante. With a vinification that avoids over-ripening and over-extraction led him to develop a red wine of great elegance and drinkability, different from Bolgheri in tannic structure, but no less complex and enjoyable.


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